24 May 2009

Summer Holidays 08 09

Just to prove we do actually get away on holiday, here are our photos from the Matauri Bay Campsite. We were there a week before Christmas and left on Boxing Day. We had an awesome time, might go back there this year but it's likely we'll go after Christmas. Missed the family. It is a good time to go though, before it fulls up with the city folk!

We took the boat and had some kayaks, made for loads of fun. The kids especially loved the boogie boards on the waves. The weather was mainly fine, except for a few days of rain. During that time we spent some nice time with friends and the kids learnt how to play Last Card really well! The stormy weather produced a load of surfers early the next morning to watch, then a load of scallops were washed in with the tide! Love camping, really recommend it to everyone!