05 July 2008

Plans for 5th birthday party Enchanted Princess

Well - the dress is all cut out. A bit of nerves preventing me from getting to the next step. SEWING. My daughter is turning 5 and for her party she wants to be a Princess. Her favourite movie is Enchanted. I quite like it myself! I will get the dress sewn I am sure!

In the meantime we have been making decorations. On my frugal mission still you see... so we have been cutting out petal shapes from old magazines. Nice big A4 sized and colourful. Then we glue them about 4 or 5 onto a circle and ta-da you have a nice big FLOWER! For an enchanted garden.

My princess loves purple, she and her friend helped to paint egg carton baskets which we will use to hang in the trees with little decorated "jewel stones".

We will decorate downstairs in an enchanted garden theme... wish we could get a wooden castle from somewhere - perhaps I will have to get the good old AFFCO cardboard and paint one!

Have you seen the train cookies at the cafe? I will have to make some cookies for her party now she says! Have to go with my butterfly and flower cutters rather than buying another kind.

And the cake... do I tackle a castle? Gosh looked at the kits to make a grand castle $50 or so - whatever! I think I'll just have to get creative! Castle or enchanted garden cake - maybe a garden will be easier!

....have saved petrol - havent left home since Thursday! woohoo!


Gail said...

Sounds like a princesses dream Kelly! You're a great mum!!

Kelly said...

were all great mums! It's funny Gail, the effort I put in, Mel will probably fall asleep or go wow then play with her friends anyway! BUT - I remember all the parties I had for my birthday (a whole 3 or 4 of them as mine's New Years Eve!)