07 July 2008

The playstation

Now I did not ever want a playstation in our house. I have memories of my husband up at 3am in the morning glued to the playstation when he had to go to work a few hours later at 6am!
So I was rather annoyed when he eventually brought one for our 6yr old son at Christmas last year.
Disappointed that I have to say "i told you so". What did I find at midnight last night when I went to check on the noise I heard in my childrens room? My son whipping the playstation portable quickly underneath his pillow and his red swollen eyes to go with it when I turned on the light! I so wanted to break the thing when I discovered it - what stopped me? My frugal ways and environmentally friendly ways.
My dear son got a chatting to this morning, he is sorry and understands why I was disappointed and why he wont be seeing that damn machine for the rest of the school holidays. Dear husband got a chatting to also!
It's not that big a deal - in the grand scheme of things, i know....but..... oh never mind I dont have to say it - you mothers know!

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